Friday, April 20, 2012

How to use #onlinevideo for lead generation ? guest post from webvm

online video for lead generation

Video lead generation with tracking ? in search of the video CREAM

Video lead generation is no longer the new kid on the block ? it is fast becoming an essential part of any content strategy- no longer a nice to have ? now a most definitely must have!

But what is it and how does it work in the context of online video?

With the web now delivering more consistent video streaming quality ?to static and mobile devices ? it is not surprising that web video content is growing fast ? indeed it now accounts for 30% of Internet traffic ?.due to rise to 90% by 2013- according to Cisco??.

And it?s all happening!

Google has started ranking video content higher in organic searches.

Social video viewing is growing exponentially across facebook ,you tube and twitter

And in B2B, 75% of business executives now regularly view video content online


So, if you haven?t got video in your marketing toolkit yet, you need to start thinking about it ? or you could be at a severe disadvantage against your competitors going forward??

So that?s easy ? right? we simply add a video presenter to our web site and stick the company video on you tube and job done?

Well actually, no. There is a lot more to it than that.

Having video in your content marketing strategy is vital- but it needs to justify its existence by being more than just a brand engagement device. If you are going to invest in having good quality video content created you need to ensure it not only looks good but is also working hard to generate leads and ultimately new business. or to be more precise- creating compelling engaging content which is relevant to your target audiences and which will get them to engage and respond to your marketing messages- and allows you to track such activity in real time (cookie legislation notwithstanding)

And it?s important to stress it?s not just video- ? it?s ?rich media? such as motion graphics, animation, music, voice and moving images all coming together ? to explain who you are , what you do and why you are different

But back to video lead gen ??.The lower disposable time business web audiences have online is driving a growing need for quicker more relevant content which can be consumed in shorter form rich media. In simple terms, you must get your key propositions over more quickly, as your target audiences are not going to invest their precious time reading about what you do- you have to show them what you do.

So, yes, ultimately, it?s all about creating and deploying video (rich media) content to your target audiences in a way that they can consume quickly but also understand and most importantly respond to. ? and where you can measure the results

Let?s be clear ? you tube is great- but it?s not the only show in town. and with a direct marketing platform such as FLIMP you can do so much more ??by creating your own content on your own dedicated branded landing pages which can be sent direct to target audiences by email and tracked by individual email address in real time- and viewed on all smart devices and mobiles, optimized, embedded on your web site and distributed across various social media sites ? and all tracked without cookies.

So for real time video lead generation you not only need to create video content that explains what you do ? but ensuring it ticks 5 key boxes. It has to be compelling, relevant, engaging, actionable and measurable

At WebVM, we call it the Video CREAM

Compelling??????so that it has meaning

Relevant?????? ??.to the viewer that you are targeting

Engaging?.. ??????.so that they can identify with your message

Actionable ??????? that they respond to your calls to action

Measurable ???????so you can track and gauge your success

So for real valuable video lead generation you need to go in search of the video CREAM. ?and once you find it ? to find a way you can to integrate it into your content management and communication strategies.


Tags: lead generation, sales


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