Friday, March 30, 2012

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Real Estate in Tampa A man?s guide t? making high-impact, low-fuss romantic meals

It?s t?m? t? banish th?t old stereotype th?t th? ?nly guys wh? c?n cook ?r? professional chefs. Men, ?v?n ?f your culinary expertise starts w?th boiling water ?nd ends ?t th? microwave, y?u c?n serve ? dazzling one-pot meal f?r your significant ?th?r, your best buds ?r just yourself.

?Dining w?ll doesn?t h?v? t? involve ? trip t? ? restaurant, ?r ?v?n ? lot ?f work ?t home,? says Mike Martini, winemaker ?t California?s Louis M. Martini Winery. ?I don?t like fussing around ?n th? kitchen ?ft?r ? d?y ?n th? winery, but nothing beats ? special, home-cooked meal t? end th? d?y.?

According t? Martini, it?s n?t too difficult t? elevate ? simple meal t? th? level ?f ? gourmet experience. Ambiance, ? well-set table, ? good one-pot recipe ?nd th? right wine ?r? ?ll ?t takes. Martini offers ? f?w tips:

Set th? mood

Hosting ? football party ?s ? f?r cry fr?m an intimate dinner f?r two. If it?s game d?y, dust ?ff th? sports paraphernalia, find s?m? casual serving dishes ?n team colors, ?nd you?re ?ff ?nd running. F?r ? romantic occasion, however, develop ? sophisticated ambiance w?th music, lighting ?nd decor.

Start w?th an attractive table t?p. A tablecloth adds ? touch ?f refinement wh?l? protecting furniture ?nd easing post-meal cleanup. Add ? floral centerpiece t? d? double duty ?s ? decoration ?nd ?s ? gift f?r h?r. Light s?m? candles t? enhance th? mood.

Finally, follow th? rules ?f proper place settings. Use your good dishes ?nd set th?m ?n opposite sides ?f th? table, ?r side-by-side f?r greater intimacy. Place knives ?nd spoons t? th? right ?f th? plate ?nd forks t? th? left. Turn th? sharp side ?f knives toward th? plate, ?nd ?nly include utensils you?ll actually b? using f?r th? meal.

Create th? perfect pairing

Whatever meal y?u decide t? serve, there?s ? sophisticated wine t? complement th? culinary experience. F?r ideas ?n what t? pour, talk t? th? wine steward ?t your local grocer ?r wine shop. Many stores ?ls? suggest recipes t? pair w?th th??r featured wines.

F?r ? can?t-miss meal, g? w?th an easy y?t impressive dish, like braised beef sh?rt ribs. Simple t? prepare ?nd delicious, one-pot sh?rt ribs require minimal fuss ?nd cleanup ?nd w?ll leave your guests impressed. A bottle ?f Louis M. Martini 2009 Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon ?s ? perfect match.

Braised Beef Short Ribs


1 bay leaf

2 tablespoons coarse sea salt

3 fresh rosemary sprigs

2 tablespoons fresh sage leaves

Freshly ground pepper

4 1/2 pounds beef sh?rt ribs, w?ll trimmed

1/2 cup corn ?r grape seed oil

4 cups beef broth, divided

4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, plus additional f?r potatoes

2 cups chopped onion

1 1/2 cups finely chopped carrots

1 1/2 cups finely chopped celery

1/4 cup tomato paste

1 750-ml bottle bold red wine, such ?s Louis M. Martini Cabernet Sauvignon

6 t? 8 large, white-skinned potatoes


Grind together th? bay leaf, sea salt, rosemary ?nd sage. Sprinkle ribs w?th pepper ?nd 3 1/2 teaspoons ?f th? herb-salt mixture.

Heat 1/2 cup oil ?n heavy large pot ?v?r high heat. Working ?n batches, add beef ?nd brown w?ll, turning occasionally, ?b?ut eight minutes per batch. Using tongs, transfer beef t? large bowl.

Pour ?ff oil fr?m pot. Add 1 cup broth t? drippings ?n pot ?nd bring t? boil, scraping up ?ny browned bits. Pour deglazed pan juices into small bowl.

Heat 4 tablespoons oil ?n same pot ?v?r medium-high heat. Add onion, carrots, ?nd celery; saute unt?l beginning t? brown, ?b?ut 12 minutes. Add tomato paste ?nd saute two minutes. Add deglazed pan juices ?nd bring t? simmer. Return beef ?nd ?ny accumulated juices t? pot. Add wine ?nd remaining 3 cups broth ?nd bring t? boil. Reduce heat t? low.

Season w?th pepper. Cover ?nd cook unt?l beef ?s v?ry tender, stirring occasionally, ?b?ut two t? three hours. Ab?ut ?n? hour prior t? being done, place potatoes ?n th? pot ?nd mix w?ll.

Wh?n done, spoon ?ff ?ny extra fat fr?m surface.

Serve sh?rt ribs ?nd vegetables ?n individual bowls, w?th glasses ?f Louis M. Martini 2009 Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon.


Real Estate in Tampa News You Can Use!


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Here are some other real estate related sites that we found for you to browse. Thanks for visiting Tampa Real Estate News.

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Tampa Palms Tampa FL 33647 Home for Sale - Yahoo! Real Estate


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