Saturday, March 3, 2012

IA Corn Growers: Flood recovery, crop insurance

Top issues for the Iowa Corn Growers Association at Commodity Classic have to do with flood recovery and crop insurance.

ICGA President Kevin Ross, who farms near Council Bluffs, says his group wants the public/private partnership for the delivery of crop insurance to be maintained. He says there has been talk of a government agency, such as the Farm Service Agency (FSA), handling crop insurance.

?It?s been thrown out there that the FSA could administer the program and possibly save the government some money,? Ross tells Brownfield Ag News, ?But, you know, this is a system that has worked very, very well. I think by all accounts you can consider it a success story.?

Ross says there are just too many reasons not to put crop insurance solely in the hands of the FSA.

?They serve their purpose which is entirely separate from this and I think we need to keep it that way,? Ross says.

For flood recovery, Ross says ICGA wants environmental approvals for rebuilding infrastructure to be ?grandfathered? in.

?Because,? Ross says, ?Once something?s been destroyed by a flood or other event, you shouldn?t have to go back and redo all the environmental studies to rebuild something that was already there. It really doesn?t make a whole lot of sense to do that. So, we?re trying to expedite that process and hopefully we can facilitate that by adding that to our policy book.?

Policies will be finalized Saturday at Commodity Classic in Nashville.

Iowa Corn Growers Association

2012 Commodity Classic



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