Wednesday, July 3, 2013

iMore is on Facebook, here's how to get your daily dose!

We're talking social all this week on Talk Mobile, and you cant talk social without talking Facebook. More used than any other social network on the planet, there's a huge number of folks who spend a lot of time there. The good news is, while you're busy hanging out, poking your friends and liking a whole lot of stuff, you can also get your daily iMore fix, too!

That's right, iMore is on Facebook, and each and every post that crosses the front page heads straight to our Facebook page as well. If you haven't already, hit up the link below to like the iMore page on Facebook, and give us a shout in the comments below. We'd like to know who you are!



lance armstrong Earl Weaver Inauguration Schedule barack obama dear abby WRAL John Harbaugh

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