Thursday, July 11, 2013

Defense seeks to introduce Trayvon Martin's texts

George Zimmerman leaves the courtroom for a lunch break his trial in Seminole Circuit Court, in Sanford, Fla., Tuesday, July 9, 2013. Zimmerman is charged with second-degree murder in the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed teen, in 2012. (AP Photo/Orlando Sentinel, Joe Burbank, Pool)

George Zimmerman leaves the courtroom for a lunch break his trial in Seminole Circuit Court, in Sanford, Fla., Tuesday, July 9, 2013. Zimmerman is charged with second-degree murder in the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed teen, in 2012. (AP Photo/Orlando Sentinel, Joe Burbank, Pool)

Dr. Vincent DiMaio, a forensic pathologist and gunshot wound expert, describes George Zimmerman's injuries during Zimmerman's trial in Seminole Circuit Court, in Sanford, Fla., Tuesday, July 9, 2013. Zimmerman is charged with second-degree murder in the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed teen, in 2012. (AP Photo/Orlando Sentinel, Joe Burbank, Pool)

An image is projected during testimony by forensics animation expert Daniel Shoemaker during George Zimmerman's trial in Seminole Circuit Court, in Sanford, Fla., Tuesday, July 9, 2013. Zimmerman is charged with second-degree murder in the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed teen, in 2012. (AP Photo/Orlando Sentinel, Joe Burbank, Pool)

Judge Debra Nelson asks attorneys to project an animation image while listening to testimony from forensics animation expert Daniel Shoemaker, during George Zimmerman's trial in Seminole Circuit Court, in Sanford, Fla., Tuesday, July 9, 2013. Zimmerman is charged with second-degree murder in the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed teen, in 2012. (AP Photo/Orlando Sentinel, Joe Burbank, Pool)

Defense counsel Mark O'Mara talks to George Zimmerman, with co-counsel Don West, center, in Seminole Circuit Court, in Sanford, Fla., Tuesday, July 9, 2013. Zimmerman is charged with second-degree murder in the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed teen, in 2012. (AP Photo/Orlando Sentinel, Joe Burbank, Pool)

(AP) ? Defense attorneys asked a Florida judge on Tuesday to introduce Trayvon Martin's text messages and a Facebook posting dealing with fighting as evidence at George Zimmerman's second-degree murder trial.

As defense attorneys neared the finish of their presentation, they called computer analyst Richard Connor to read to the judge text messages he found on the 17-year-old Martin's phone in which he purportedly recounted a fight he had been in to a friend.

Martin was unarmed when he was fatally shot by Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer, in February 2012 in a gated community in Sanford. Martin was black and Zimmerman identifies himself as Hispanic; some activists argued that the initially delay in charging Zimmerman was influenced by Martin's race.

Jurors were out of the courtroom as defense attorneys presented their arguments about the text messages. Judge Debra Nelson heard the testimony during a hearing late Tuesday. She had ruled that information about Martin's interest in guns and fighting couldn't be used during opening statements, but she had left open the possibility that they could be introduced later.

As the hearing dragged past 10 p.m., defense attorney Don West complained that the defense hadn't been given Martin's cellphone data by prosecutors in a timely manner, which would have allowed them to authenticate the messages.

"It's simply unfair for Mr. Zimmerman not to be able to put on his defense because of these tactics," West said.

When a frustrated Nelson abruptly told the attorneys that she would rule Wednesday, West continued to address her after she officially had adjourned for the evening. He complained about a schedule that had lawyers working weekends and taking multiple depositions during the trial, in which jurors have been sequestered.

Prosecutor John Guy said jurors shouldn't be presented with the text messages and photos of a gun found on Martin's phone, as well as a Facebook posting from a half-brother asking Martin when he was going to teach him how to fight.

"It would mislead the jury and be prejudicial," Guy said. "It doesn't tell us about Trayvon Martin and certainly doesn't tell us what George Zimmerman knew about Trayvon Martin."

However, West said they were relevant.

"It relates to his physical capabilities, his knowledge of fighting," West said.

The effort to get the text messages and cellphone images introduced came after the judge said she would rule Wednesday on whether a defense animation depicting the fatal struggle between Martin and Zimmerman can be played for jurors.

Nelson held an evidence hearing with jurors out of the courtroom. Prosecutors object to allowing the animation, saying it isn't an accurate depiction.

An expert on gunshot wounds also testified that the trajectory of the bullet and gunpowder on Trayvon Martin's body support Zimmerman's account that the teen was on top when the defendant shot and killed Martin.

Dr. Vincent DiMaio, a forensic pathologist, also used photographs of Zimmerman to point out where he appeared to have been struck. His testimony took up a significant portion of the day's hearing. Defense attorneys, who said they may wrap up their case Wednesday, were hoping DiMaio's testimony would help convince jurors of Zimmerman's claims that he shot Martin in self-defense.

DiMaio said the muzzle of Zimmerman's gun was against Martin's clothing and it was anywhere from 2 to 4 inches from Martin's skin.

"This is consistent with Mr. Zimmerman's account that Mr. Martin was over him, leaning forward at the time he was shot," said DiMaio, the former chief medical examiner in San Antonio.

DiMaio testified that lacerations to the back of Zimmerman's head were consistent with it striking a concrete sidewalk. Later, when looking at photos of Zimmerman's injuries taken the night of the shooting, DiMaio identified six separate impacts to Zimmerman's face and head. He said he believed Zimmerman's nose had been broken.

"It's obvious he's been punched in the nose and hit in the head," he said.

Under cross-examination, DiMaio conceded that the gunshot could also be consistent with Martin pulling away from Zimmerman, and that he reached his conclusion without factoring in statements from some neighbors who say Zimmerman was on top of Martin. DiMaio, who has testified at high-profile trials such as that of record producer Phil Spector, said witness accounts are often unreliable. The pathologist said he had been paid $2,400 by the defense.

DiMaio's testimony also addressed the difference between Zimmerman's account that he had placed Martin's arms out to his sides and a photo taken after the shooting that shows Martin's arms under his body. The pathologist said Martin would have been conscious for 10 to 15 seconds after the shooting as a reserve supply of oxygen ran out of his body, and during that time he could have moved his arms.

After DiMaio testified, the 911 calls that captured sounds of the fatal encounter were discussed again. Defense attorneys called Sanford City Manager Norton Bonaparte to the witness stand to describe the circumstances of how Martin's family came to hear the 911 tapes. Bonaparte said he played the 911 tapes while members of Martin's family sat together at City Hall. He played them as a courtesy before they were released publicly.

Defense attorneys are trying to show that Martin's family members may have influenced each other in concluding the screams are those of the Miami teen. Police officers testified for the defense that it's better for someone who is trying to identify a voice to listen to it alone.

Convincing the jury of who was screaming for help on the tape has become the primary goal of prosecutors and defense attorneys because it would help jurors evaluate Zimmerman's self-defense claim. Relatives of Martin's and Zimmerman's have offered conflicting opinions about who is heard screaming.

Zimmerman, 29, has pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder.

Prosecutors contend that Zimmerman was profiling Martin and perceived the teen as someone suspicious in the neighborhood, which had been the site of a series of break-ins. Martin was there visiting his father and his father's fiancee. The case sparked protests because police did not charge Zimmerman for 44 days and it touched off a nationwide debate about race and self-defense.


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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Italy economy minister says S&P rating cut backward looking

ROME (Reuters) - Italian Economy Minister Fabrizio Saccomanni criticised Standard & Poor's cut to its rating on Italy, saying it failed to take account of recent government measures to boost growth.

Speaking at the annual meeting of the Italian banking federation, Saccomanni said ratings decisions on sovereign debt risked being based on outdated information and creating unwanted pro-cyclical effects.

He added that the move nonetheless underlined the need to continue reforms.

(Reporting By James Mackenzie, editing by Naomi O'Leary)


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UFC 162?s Three Stars: Chris Weidman, Mark Munoz and Edson Barboza stood out

UFC 162 will stick out in the collective MMA brain as the night the UFC got a new middleweight champion. Who truly rose above?

No. 1 star -- Chris Weidman: As if there's any doubt who stood out the most at UFC 162? Weidman took advantage of Silva clowning around to win the belt. Weidman used knowledge of his opponent and his tendency to play around in a fight to catch Silva right on the button and knock him out. He earned a $50,000 bonus for Knockout of the Night, and the middleweight championship.

No. 2 star -- Mark Munoz: Before he even stepped in the cage, he battled with depression and a major weight gain. Beating Tim Boetsch was just the logical next step. Munoz used wrestling and continuous unanswered striking to get an overwhelming win.

No. 3 star -- Edson Barboza: MMA judge Cecil Peoples once famously claimed "leg kicks certainly don't finish fights." Barboza laughs at that statement. He whipped Rafaello Oliveira's legs again and again until he could stand no more. This is the second time Barboza won a fight this way, making him the first UFC fighter to do that.

Who were your stars from UFC 162? Speak up on Twitter and Facebook.


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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

OBAMACARE SHOWDOWN GOP Slams Selective Delay, Says Families 'Out in Cold'

House Republican leaders on Tuesday urged the Obama administration to grant everybody a reprieve from the ObamaCare insurance mandate, suggesting the recent decision to delay only the requirement on businesses would be unfair to everyone else.?

"We agree with you that the burden was overwhelming for employers, but we also believe American families need the same relief," House Speaker John Boehner and several other top Republicans wrote in a letter to President Obama.?

They addressed what is becoming a mounting concern over the administration's decision to delay, until 2015, a requirement that large employers provide health insurance to workers.?

The administration, in announcing the change, kept in place the requirement on individuals -- known as the individual mandate -- to obtain insurance. Critics argue that the selective delay will force even more people -- who would have otherwise gotten insurance through their jobs -- to go in search of insurance on the individual market or face a fine.?

The delay potentially means more people will be buying insurance out of their own pocket, buying insurance with the help of additional taxpayer subsidies or just opting out and being charged with a hefty fine by the government.?

Republicans asked Obama for a detailed breakdown on how the delay of the employer mandate would affect all these aspects -- how it would increase the cost of subsidies, and how it would increase the number of individuals expected to pay a fine.?

"We recognize that the decision to delay the employer mandate was likely not a decision you made in only a day and necessarily required substantial review by analysts" at various departments, they wrote. "Your decision to delay one part of the law affecting employers and leave in place provisions regulating individual and family health care creates many new questions and concerns."?

The lawmakers also called a press conference to urge Obama to address the issue.?

"The president's actions on ObamaCare last week were stunning," House Republican Leader Eric Cantor said. "I never thought I'd see the day when the White House, the president, came down on the side of big business but left the American people out in the cold as far as this health care mandate is concerned."?

The letter was the strongest statement to date voicing concerns about how the latest delay would impact the requirement on individuals. That mandate was upheld by the Supreme Court last year.?

Other lawmakers and analysts, though, were raising that concern since last week. Michael Tanner, a senior fellow with the Cato Institute, penned a column that ran in the Daily Caller noting that the delay could increase the burden on individuals and taxpayers.?

"By postponing the employer mandate ... the administration has shifted costs from employers to workers and/or taxpayers," he wrote. "That hardly seems fair."?

Obama administration officials, as well as Democratic lawmakers, have defended the decision to delay only the employer mandate. They described it as a sign of flexibility on the administration's part, responding to concerns from business groups about the reporting requirements.?

As the administration moves to simplify the rules, officials said, they would, in turn, give businesses more time to comply.?

"We have heard concerns about the complexity of the requirements and the need for more time to implement them effectively. We recognize that the vast majority of businesses that will need to do this reporting already provide health insurance to their workers, and we want to make sure it is easy for others to do so," Mark J. Mazur, the assistant secretary for Tax Policy at the Department of the Treasury, said last week on the Treasury blog.


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'Big Brother' viewers urge CBS to boot racists


5 hours ago

Image: The "Big Brother" houseguests sit together.

Cliff Lipson / CBS

Fans have had enough! On Sunday night, "Big Brother" finally aired a brief glimpse of some of the controversial content that made headlines recently, and viewers weren't happy with what they saw.

In fact, many viewers want to make sure they never have to see it again -- and not just due to clever editing. They want the players responsible for the offensive comments out of the house.

"CBS!!!!! After watching Sunday's show, 22 of us will not be watching any longer unless Arryn is kicked off the show," fan (or former fan) Rick Reimer said in a post on the official "Big Brother" Facebook page. "Her RACIST remarks cannot be allowed. We will also be boycotting any product that is advertised during the show. I hope others will follow our lead."

Reimer and his 21 unidentified allies weren't alone in the call to action.

Wendy Berry added, "It's funny how what three people have said on this show was bad enough that they've lost their job(s) however it's not bad enough to boot them off the show. Maybe the show should be renamed to Big Bigots."

Amy Williams agreed with the others, but also had a problem with CBS' decision to air the comments at all.

"Pretty sure that Aaryn should be kicked off the show for the slew of racist comments that were just shown on national television," show wrote to the same Facebook page. "Televising those comments should not have happened."

But according to some, CBS didn't go far enough. Sure, the network showed racist and homophobic comments from contestants Aaryn Gries and GinaMarie Zimmerman, but they didn't show the sexist or anti-Semitic comments Spencer Clawson has uttered in the house, or the numerous other inappropriate comments from other houseguests.

(Warning: The following video contains strong language.)

"Kaitlin Barnaby, Jeremy McGuire, David Girton and Spencer Clawson have also said things of the same nature," TODAY reader Godabed pointed out.

Katesus7 shared a similar sentiment on the "Big Brother" forums at Television Without Pity.

"They put it almost all on Aaryn, with one blink and you missed it comment by Gina Marie, they had several HGs give PC diary rooms about how offended they were, and not one word about all the other (expletive) said about Andy and the women by Spencer or Jeremy, who got off scott free," the viewer wrote. "Basically, CBS said 'oh, all right, enough people rose a stink so we'll give you your little segment. Now shut up and start voting for Spencer or Nick to win MVP!' It was just extremely unsatisfying. Although I guess it's still more than I thought they'd show."

"We are very mindful of the important issues that have been raised by these recent comments," CBS said in a statement shared with on Monday. "With regard to the broadcast version, we are weighing carefully issues of broadcast standards, an obligation to inform the audience of important elements that influence the competition, and sensitivity to how any inappropriate comments are presented.?

Host Julie Chen also said on "The Talk" Monday that the network chose to air the comments because they were now having an impact on the game play. "You can't just put it in there and say, 'Judge her, everybody," she said.

"When I first found out that Aaryn, who is a 22-year-old girl, made anti-gay, anti-black and anti-Asian comments, I have to be honest, the Asian ones hit me the most," she added about how the derogatory comments impacted her. "I took it personally. I'm a human being. The really sad part was it took me back to the '70s when I was growing up in Queens and when I was 7-years-old getting bullied, being called a chink and people pulling their eyes. ... I thought, 'Wow, I haven't heard comments like that (in a long time).' The year is 2013. ... I felt ignorant, there are still people in the country who feel that way and act that way? Yes there is ... it made me sad."

Just how the network should handle the problem was a point that had our readers torn last week. When we asked about it, 35 percent said the players involved should get the boot, but 45 percent thought they'd be satisfied if the footage in question aired. Another 18 percent thought the show should be canceled for the rest of the season. And then there was the 4 percent who thought the best policy would just be to ignore the increasingly difficult-to-ignore situation and not even air the controversy.

Amy McGranor Oviatt had a different idea that she shared on the show's official Facebook page -- let the predicament play out naturally.

"I think Aaryn is disgusting but just bc she said things that we dont agree with does not mean she should be kicked off," Oviatt wrote. "This is BB and that is the point of the show. She will totally get hers and i think that when Howard (Overby) calls her out for what she said and then she walks out to a booing crowd, AND has to answer to (host) Julie (Chen)....that will be sweet revenge and EVERYONE will tune in to watch her go down."

Livejournal user and Oh No They Didn't poster Evett had another, less feasible (and far less legal) solution: "Julie Chen needs to lock the doors from the outside and set that whole house on fire."

What do you think should happen? Click the "Talk about it" button below and share your thoughts.


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Monday, July 8, 2013

What Will Apple's Budget iPhone Look Like? This Report Could Give You An Idea

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Insight: Threat of protest vote casts long shadow over European elections

By Luke Baker

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - In the diplomatic parlor games popular in Brussels, few issues are generating more gossip or being talked about more animatedly than next year's elections to the European Parliament.

They may be 11 months away, but anyone following European affairs closely knows the vote has the potential to shake the ground under the political establishment and bring about a fundamental shift in the balance of power in Europe.

Frustration with how leaders have handled the economic crisis over the past three years, coupled with rising populism, has raised expectations that the anti-European Union vote will surge in the polls.

That would undermine the traditional political blocs, which range across the political spectrum but for the most part are in favor of the EU.

And because they will be the first European elections since the introduction of the Lisbon Treaty in 2009, which gave the parliament additional powers, it means the outcome will directly influence the appointment of the EU's most important jobs.

"Most people I've talked to are predicting that parties on the extreme wings of the politics of Europe, both the far-right and the far-left, will pick up seats in this election," said William Kennard, U.S. ambassador to the EU for the past four years.

"There is a not insignificant prospect that the populists, particularly on the far-right, will have more influence in the parliament than they've had in this particular term, and I think that could affect politics in an interesting way."

If there was any complacency about the potential impact of the vote, which takes place in all 28 EU member states between May 22-25 next year, it was displaced recently by Britain's Nigel Farage, the leader of the right-wing, anti-EU party UKIP.

"There is a gathering electoral storm. It's coming on the left, on the centre and on the right," he warned European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, using his most thunderous voice as he addressed the full European Parliament.

"The European elections next year present the opportunity to show you, Mr Barroso, that the European project is reversible and it needs to be reversed for the betterment of the peoples of Europe."


A year is an extremely long time in politics and there is every likelihood that electoral predictions made now will prove dramatically different come April or May next year.

But polling conducted by Gallup and research by Debating Europe, a youth politics group, points to two trends that could prove important: turnout may be substantially higher next year than in the past, and the youth vote may be much stronger.

At every poll since the first direct elections to the European Parliament were held in 1979, turnout has fallen, dropping to just 43 percent at the last vote in 2009.

But in a survey carried out in May, Gallup found 68 percent of Britons would vote if the elections were held next week, double the British turnout at the 2009 ballot. The figures were similar for France, with the survey finding 73 percent of French were ready to vote this time, versus 40 percent in 2009.

Gallup also found increasing disapproval in most large EU countries over the direction in which Europe is moving, suggesting many of those who do turn up to vote could cast anti-EU ballots or go against how they have voted in the past.

Add to that the prospect of hundreds of thousands of young people who have never voted before turning up at the polls, especially those who are unemployed and frustrated, and the election could turn out to be far from predictable.

"Young people are angry and they want to have a voice," Adam Nyman, the director of Debating Europe told Reuters earlier this year. "I don't think they will shy away from the next election."


No one knows how large the anti-EU vote will be, but speculating about it has become a favorite Brussels pastime.

One EU ambassador said recently he had heard talk of up to half the 751 seats in the next parliament being backed by anti-EU or protest votes, then added he thought the figure was excessive and it was more likely to be around 30 percent.

Others see a 25-30 percent "protest vote" as possible, a figure that alarms sitting members of the parliament, who tend to break the issue down into individual member states, where anti-EU or protest parties have their national quirks.

"We could see a rise in nationalistic parties in some countries, such as Britain and France," said Andrew Duff, a senior member from the Liberal ALDE group who has been in parliament since 1999.

But Duff points out that while there are large and growing protest parties on the left and right in France and Italy, and on the right or left of the spectrum in other, smaller member states, there is not the same clear trend in Germany, the largest and most important member.

Duff still expects the four main political groups - the centre-right European People's Party, the Socialists, the Liberals and the Greens - to come out on top, even if they lose ground from their current standings.

And while there may be a significant protest vote, because it is nationally based and not coordinated as a bloc across Europe, its ability to project influence is limited.

"If we get a protest vote above 25 percent then the organization of this house is going to be very, very difficult," he said. "It would make life tough for day-to-day business and right away for the nomination of a new Commission president."

The nomination of the next Commission president - one of the two most powerful jobs in the EU - is perhaps the most intriguing aspect of the Brussels parlor game.

Under the Lisbon Treaty, EU member states have to "take into account" the result of next May's elections before proposing a candidate for Commission president. The candidate then has to be elected by a full majority in the parliament.

Many interpret that as giving the EU's only directly elected body greater influence in who ends up heading the Commission, the EU's executive and the only institution with the right to propose legislation, a power the parliament covets.

In the run up to the elections next year, the major groups in parliament will select their top candidate, or perhaps candidates, for the EU's most senior jobs.

There are then plans for televised debates among the candidates to generate buzz ahead of the polls and connect the electorate more directly with Brussels.

In that way, the whole process of electing the parliament, appointing the Commission president and approving his or her commissioners becomes that much more politicized, with parliament front and centre of the process.

It is not for nothing therefore that the current president of the parliament, German Socialist Martin Schulz, is seen as a leading candidate to become the next Commission president.

That's a major shift from the past and has added extra spice to elections that have largely been regarded as a sideshow for most of the last 35 years.

(Editing by Jeremy Gaunt)


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Sunday, July 7, 2013

African Union Suspends Egypt

July 05, 2013

by Marthe van der Wolf

The African Union announced Friday that Egypt?s membership has been suspended due to the military action in Cairo that deposed President Mohamed Morsi and suspended the nation?s constitution.

The secretary of the African Union Peace and Security Council, Admore Kambudzi, says Egypt is barred from participating in any AU activity.

?The overthrow of the democratic elected president does not conform to the relevant provisions of the Egyptian constitution and is therefore false under the definition of an unconstitutional change of government. The council decides to suspend the participation of Egypt in AU activities until the restoration of constitutional order.? Kambudzi said.

The military toppled the Morsi government and declared the constitution suspended on Wednesday, saying the president had failed to meet demands of the Egyptian people. Egypt?s top judge was sworn in as the country?sw temporary leader on Thursday.

Egypt?s ambassador to the African Union, Mohamed Edrees, defended the military?s actions. He told the AU Peace and Security Council Friday there has not been a military coup.

?The military role in this is to support the people. The military did not instigate a coup or impose its own agenda against the will of the Egyptian people, on the contrary. The military supported the agenda of the people [and] the roadmap which was endorsed by the whole broad spectrum of the Egyptian society.? Edrees said.

The African Union says it is planning to send a high-level delegation to Egypt to consult with the ruling authorities and others.

The African Union currently has three other member states on suspended status, all as a result of what are considered ACTIONS CONTRARY TO THEIR NATIONAL CONSTITUTIONS: Madagascar, Central African Republic and Guinea-Bissau.


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Elms College graduates find satisfaction in West Indies, working as Passionist International Volunteer in Jamaica

papsin.JPG Lindsay Papsin, a 2012 graduate of Elms College in Chicopee, is currently in Jamaica in the West Indies, with Passionist Volunteers International. She is shown here on a home visit with Akishma, left, a student at Somerset Early Childhood Institution in Somerset, Jamaica, and Sannieka, a cousin of Akishma, and a fourth grader at Somerset Primary School. Somerset is a parish, or county, of Manchester, Jamaica. ?

Twenty-one-year-old Krystyna K. Starsiak, of Chicopee, cites her Catholic faith as the reason she decided to dedicate a year of her life to service.

?It is my way to give back and thank God for all the wonderful blessings I have received in my life,? said the 2013 graduate of Elms College, in Chicopee, with a double major in elementary education and history.

She will be leaving July 15 for a year of service in Jamaica in the West Indies with Passionist Volunteers International. The service organization, established by the Catholic congregation of Passionists, is based in Jamaica, N.Y.

It is under the direction of the Rev. Lucian Clark, the Passionist priest who previously was in charge of the former Passionist seminary in West Springfield. The Passionist Volunteers work with the rural poor in Jamaica as well as those in the town of Talanga, Honduras.

Volunteers commit to one or two years of international service.

Yet unsure of her placement, Starsiak said volunteers work in places like a home for troubled boys, area schools, mountain villages, health clinics and mission churches.

Kaylie E. Dygon, 21, a classmate from Chicopee who graduated with a degree in nursing from the Elms, is also joining the volunteers.

During her time in Jamaica, Dygon will be working in clinics, doing home visits with the ill/disabled, and children, working in schools and helping at other work sites that are chosen/selected during her orientation in the program.

?I am passionate about helping others,? she said.

?This program is very focused on ?walking with the people,? which means not just giving gifts or money, but giving yourself, which I feel is more valuable than any gift that could be given.?

Her Catholic faith has been a guiding light as well.

?It is also my faith that gives me the confidence to go forth and embark on this journey,? she said.

Lindsay M. Papsin, 23, a 2012 Elms graduate from Shelton, Conn., with a double major in psychology and early childhood education, is currently part of the Passionist Volunteers International; she is entering her second year-long commitment.

Papsin, who is currently in Jamaica, participated in two Elms service trips with the group and has worked with children and made home visits.

?After my first trip to Jamaica with Elms, I could not stop thinking about the beauty of the people I had met there and wishing I could have more time with them,? she said.

The more she thought about it and admired the volunteers she had met, the more she wanted to apply.

?It just felt right that before I settled into a life for myself after college, I would try to be a part of something bigger than myself.?

She said she particularly enjoys visiting homes.

"Home visits are where I spend time connecting with families. who attend the school I work at or who attend church with me, in the mission of St. Paul of the Cross, a Passionist (hence, Passionist Volunteers International), to reach those less fortunate and on the furthest outreaches," Papsin said.

Starsiak said the education she received at Elms instilled in her values of values of faith, community, justice and excellence.

?The Passionist Volunteers? mission is to accompany the suffering and walk with the poor,? she said. ?Their mission isn?t to accomplish a certain thing, but rather to be with the people of Jamaica.?

Starsiak, who went on three service trips to Jamaica as an undergraduate, added the ?people?s openness, strength, love of life, and faith in God, truly inspired me to reflect on my life and opened my eyes to the issue of social injustices around the world.?

?They have taught me lessons, they have shown me love, made me laugh and made me want to be a better person in my own and in God?s eyes. If I can do the same for at least some of those people in return, I will feel accomplished at the end of my time in Jamaica.?

Volunteering, she continued, isn?t about the position one holds, it?s about accepting a new way of life.

?It?s something any person, big or small, can do anywhere,? she said.

?It?s helping others to accomplish what you know is important to them, and the goal, in turn, being important to you. It?s in knowing the work of doing what you feel is right is never done. It?s rarely easy. And it?s always worth it.?

For information on the International Passionists Volunteers, visit


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Saturday, July 6, 2013

To feed the future, we must mine the wealth of the world's seed banks today, experts argue

[unable to retrieve full-text content]With fewer than a dozen flowering plants out of 300,000 species accounting for 80 percent of humanity's caloric intake, people need to tap unused plants to feed the world in the near future, claims a plant geneticist.


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UK churches called to model early church

Cecile with one of her grandchildren

Samaritan's Purse is encouraging churches to support the world's poor by modelling the early church and sharing what they have.

The charity wants more churches to be inspired by Acts, which describes the early church members as holding everything in common and pooling resources to ensure no one went without.

Churches in the UK are being asked to do the same in order to reap hope for some of the world's neediest families this Harvest time.

Samaritan's Purse UK executive director Simon Barrington was inspired after a visit to Kamweru Parish in Rwanda, which is going back to the book of Acts and sharing.

Whereas in the past, most families in the village could only afford one meal a day, people are now working together to plant and grow crops, raise livestock and join savings groups.

"What we've seen happening in local churches right across Africa and Central Asia is them pooling their resources to look after the most vulnerable families in their communities," explains Simon Barrington, Samaritan's Purse UK Executive Director.

"We wanted to do something in the UK that models what's happening in places like Rwanda and this Harvest is the perfect time to do it."

Samaritan's Purse has created special Raising Families resource packs for use this Harvest time.

Churches are being asked to consider hosting a My Promise event to engage and enthuse worshippers in giving towards needy families in Sub-Saharan Africa and Central Asia.

An accompanying DVD tells the story of how churches in Rwanda have responded to poverty in their communities.

Grandmother Cecile had to take on five young grandchildren when her son and daughter-in-law died. The local church, trained by Samaritan's Purse, introduced Cecile to other vulnerable families in her community. They prayed together, encouraged each other, shared their knowledge and pooled their money and other resources.

Cecile said: "When I look back and see all that I have been able to do, it's all due to the encouragement I received from the group at church?the group also helped me in cultivating crops which helped me earn money in the harvest to pay for school fees and healthcare.

"I want my grandchildren to know God, to pray to Him and to understand that He is able to meet all their needs."

Fleet Methodist Church is one of the churches getting involved this Harvest.

Phil Smith, Worship and Prayer Vision Team Co-ordinator at the church said: "Linking a project such as this to Harvest is both a natural and challenging concept. Most Christians in the UK have little connection with a farmer harvesting a crop, yet we all 'give' at harvest.

"Samaritan's Purse has put in place a realistic project that allows Christians throughout the UK and wider to give a little of what we do have to make a life-changing difference to others."

Mr Barrington concluded: "I hope that churches will grasp the fact that when they come together and pool their resources that they can have an impact on vulnerable children and families. In doing that they'll understand who we are as the body of Christ that we are one family globally and we can do things together, which makes a world of difference."

To find out more go to:


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African Union Could Suspend Egypt After Military ?Coup?

Posted on July 5, 2013

By Sandra Birungi

The African Union (AU) could suspend Egypt from its organization after the country?s military ousted the president, Mohammed Morsi.

AU has warned the country over a violation of constitutional rule by its army that led to the ouster of the president. The union?s Peace and Security Council announced on Thursday that officials will convene on Friday to discuss the situation in Egypt, and then take the required action for the possible suspension of Egypt.

African Union Could Suspend Egypt After Military 'Coup'

AU president, Nkosazana Dlamini

AU leader Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma said the ouster ?was in violation of the provisions of the Egyptian constitution and falls under the AU doctrine on unconstitutional changes of government.? He went ahead and urged Egyptians to follow the Egyptian law and engage in dialogue in order to end the political crisis.

Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta said of the ouster, ?What is happening currently in Egypt is indeed a matter of grave concern not just to us in Africa, but should be a matter of great concern to any true believer of a democratic process.?


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Friday, July 5, 2013

Gold 401k Investing Basics | Lightweight Massager - Mine

Planning for the future by being sure that your investments are secure is regarded as a hard task. It?s with this knowledge that an investment in a gold IRA is advised to people who need to make good investment choices. Additionally, it is imperative to mention that there are other metals that are allowed to be used on this investment program. These are silver, platinum, and palladium. They?re also accepted as precious metals that are safe to invest money in.

Investing in the gold IRA is also helpful for experienced investors. On account of it, it?s possible to make the most of the remarkable surge in the worth of rare metals that?s been happening during the last ten years. The value of precious metals has been skyrocketing offering you the chance to have a secure retirement you desire. Investing in a gold IRA is undoubtedly a smart move!

Going for gold IRA investments gives a very profitable investment option for those who want profits once they reach retirement. It is a great way of preparing for the future. To learn more, check out convert ira to gold

This entry was posted in Business on by admin.


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Florida (SID): Frazier's 12 Points In Starting Role Help USA Into Semifinals At U19 World Championships

USA Basketball?s U19 team has advanced to the semifinals of the FIBA World Championships in Prague, Czech Republic, with a 109-67 win over Canada in the quarterfinals on Friday.


Florida guard Michael Frazier II (Tampa, Fla.) started the quarterfinal showdown and scored 12 points on four 3-pointers. It marked Frazier?s first start of the event after coming off the bench in the first six games.


Billy Donovan has now coached the team to seven straight wins in the competition, with five of those wins coming by a margin of more than 40 points.


The USA plays Lithuania at 2:15 p.m. Eastern on Saturday in the second semifinal matchup, and ESPN3 will stream the game. Australia and Serbia play in the other semifinal at noon Eastern. The winners of the semifinals will play for the gold medal, while the semifinal losers will play for the bronze. Both of those games will be on Sunday.


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July 5







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Martin's mother: 'I heard my son screaming' on 911 tape

Gary W. Green / Orlando Sentinel pool via EPA

Volusia and Seminole County associate medical examiner Shiping Bao MD testifies during George Zimmerman's trial in Seminole Circuit Court in Sanford, Fla., on July 5.

By James Novogrod, Tom Winter and Tracy Connor, NBC News

The prosecution in the George Zimmerman trial rested its case Friday after a medical examiner testified for several hours after changing his opinion on how long Trayvon Martin may have lived after being shot in the heart.

The defense asked the judge to grant an acquittal, arguing it was clear Zimmerman acted in self-defense and without the ill will needed to support a second-degree murder charge. The motion was rejected, and Zimmerman?s team began laying out its case.

Prosecutors began the day by calling Martin?s mother to the stand to testify that the person heard screaming in the background of a 911 call is her son.

They ended with the medical examiner who performed the autopsy on the 17-year-old ? whose stint on the stand took an unexpected turn when he revealed he changed one of his findings three weeks ago.

Under questioning by the prosecution, Dr. Shiping Bao said Martin may have lived for up to 10 minutes.

The mother and older brother of Trayvon Martin testify in the trial of George Zimmerman who pleaded not guilty in the death of the teenager. NBC's Sarah Dallof reports.

?His heart was still beating. Every time his heart was beating, some of the blood would go from right ventricle to the pulmonary artery to the lung and supply his brain,? Dr. Shiping Bao said on the ninth day of testimony in the trial.

?I believe ? it is my opinion ? that he was still alive, he was still in pain, he was still in suffering,? he added, though the judge upheld an objection to that characterization.

Later, during a hearing outside the presence of the jury, Zimmerman lawyer Don West pointed out that Bao said during a November deposition that he thought Martin would have been alive just one to three minutes.

The doctor said he changed his opinion three weeks ago after his office handled the autopsy for a case ?very similar to Trayvon Martin?s case.?

When the jurors were brought in, there were several sharp exchanges between West and Bao and at one point Judge Debra Nelson chided them.

Bao led the court through his autopsy report, testifying that the bullet was fired at an ?intermediate range,? with the muzzle in ?loose contact? with Martin?s clothing, and traveled a straight path from his chest to his back.

He also told the court there were three abrasions on Martin's left hand and testified that ?this could have occurred two hours before he died, could have happened right after the shooting, on the way down to the ground, could have happened during the physical struggle.?

When the defense began cross-examining him, Bao said he could not remember anything about the autopsy and was relying on his notes, the report and photos. He went on to say that no one could remember something that happened almost two years earlier and began reading from his personal research into memory lapses.

Zimmerman, 29, has pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder in the Feb. 26, 2012, death of Martin, 17. He says he fired his gun in self-defense after Martin attacked him.

Earlier, Martin?s mother and brother testified about a 911 call made during the teen?s confrontation with Zimmerman.

?That screaming or yelling ? do you recognize that,? prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda asked Martin?s mother, Sybrina Fulton.

?Travyon Benjamin Martin,? she said.

On cross-examination, defense lawyer Mark O?Mara suggested that Fulton wanted to hear her son?s voice because if Zimmerman was screaming, ?you would have to accept the probability that it was Trayvon Martin that caused his own death.?

?I heard my son screaming,? said Fulton, who said she first heard the recording during a family meeting inside Sanford City Hall in March 2012.

Jacob Langston / AP

George Zimmerman, shown here with defense attorney Don West in court on July 3.

?You certainly would hope that your son Trayvon Martin did nothing that could have led to his own death?? O?Mara pressed her later.

?What I hope for is that this wouldn?t have never happened and that he would still be here,? Fulton replied, adding that she did not believe Martin was responsible for his death.

Her eldest son, Jahvaris Fulton, 22, also testified the ?yelling and screaming? was Martin?s but confirmed under cross-examination that after he heard the tape for the first time he told a local TV reporter he wasn?t ?completely positive.?

?I guess I didn?t want to believe that it was him so that?s why during that interview I said I wasn?t sure. I guess listening to it was clouded by shock and denial and sadness,? he said.

A police report shows that Martin?s father, Tracy Martin, heard it during an interview days after his son's death, before the City Hall meeting.

According to the report, Martin told lead investigator Chris Serino that the voice was not his son's. He did not testify on Friday morning.

The 911 call in question was made by a neighbor who heard the commotion outside her home in the Retreat at Twin Lakes complex in Sanford, Fla.

The judge has already ruled that neither side can present technical experts to say who is screaming, but family and friends can testify about what they believe.

Editor?s note: George Zimmerman has sued NBC Universal for defamation. The company strongly denies the allegation.



This story was originally published on


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Thursday, July 4, 2013

CommonFloor Raises $7.5M From Tiger Global, Accel To Be India's Zillow

commonCommonFloor, a real estate search engine and listings site in India, has raised $7.5 million in funding from existing investors, Tiger Global Management and Accel India. CommonFloor is similar to Zillow and Trulia, but is a marketplace for real estate listings in India, particularly for apartments and gated communities. Similar to other listings sites, the startup includes apartment and home features, amenities, master plan, location map, builder profiles, property pictures, neighborhood profiles, and reviews.


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How to Grow a Human Heart

Nature has a nice dive into the scientific quest to grow complex organs like a human heart. No, it hasn't been done yet?but it's surprisingly within reach.




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Personal Q&A Site Is Growing At A Clip Amid Media Backlash Over Safety Of Its Young Users, the Latvian startup that's been left carrying the personal Q&A torch after its inspiration, Formspring, pivoted to pastures new, is continuing to grow at an absolute clip. It's now at 65 million registered users, up from 8 million in June last year, and is adding about 300,000 new users per-day, seeing it garner 190 million unique visitors last month. User sessions sit at a highly engaged 15 minutes on average, too. But this growth isn't without cost.


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