Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Internet Marketing Consulting Services ? Plan To Be A Winner ...

What if you could ?Pick My Brain? & employ me and my experience to look at your current Internet Business or Business Idea, and tell you if it is a winner or a loser?

Would that save you time? Would that save you money? Would that save your business? You bet it would!

My name is Terah Logan and I?ve been earning a full-time living online since 1996.
I?ve had some great Internet Busiensses and Websites that have earned me BIG money! I?ve also had some losers that cost me more then I?d like to share. :(

But all in all, I?m still here and I?ve developed a secure and realiable business that does not keep me up at night worrying if the bills will be paid?

  • In fact, my bills get paid while I work or play, and also provides me and my family with extras like shopping and travel.
  • I no longer ask myself ? ?Is this business idea going to work??, because I know now what works and how to work it!
  • My experience is from the ?School Of Hard-Knocks?, and because of the time I?ve spent living and learning online? you don?t have too!

I?d be happy to share my experience and ideas with you? and write them down!
You receive a professionally written business plan that will be good enough to literally take to the bank; or any investor you may be showing your business too for financial aid.

Many times a website business will ?boom? and make serious money only to dry out and eventually dissappear ? Don?t let that happen with your success! I will help you build an Internet Business that not only is a hit; but will last for years to come. A business you can be proud of and even leave for your family when you are gone.

Let me know how I can help; Order your consulting hours below:
(Please note ? this is a general guideline I have created as not all business is the same, and there will be some flexibility in your consultation plan if need be.)

1) One Hour Consultation: This is a phone consultation that we discuss your current online business or business idea. If you have a current website this will include an extensive cirtique of your website. If you do not; this will include a plan for what kind of software you should use and design considerations to keep your business growing. This includes a written PDF file of our phone conversation. Please note time break down: Phone consult time is 40 minutes. Written plan is 20 minutes.
2) Two Hours Consultation: This includes the above 1 hour consultation with 1 hour dedicated to a Traffic Plan. Not all Interent Businesses are equal and each one needs the consideration of a customized Traffic Plan. This includes a written traffic plan. Please note time break down: 60 minutes Phone Consulting time. 60 Minutes written business and traffic plan.
3) Three Hours Consultation: This includes the above 2 hours of consulting time. The additional hour we work on constructing a ?Mission Statement?, that is mandory for any successful business and a ?Definate Purpose Statment? for your personal use that is manditory for any goal setting and acheivement. This also includes a constructed time-line of your goals in order to acheive your mission & purpose statement. Included in this additional hour is an Internet Business Training ebook pack ? the ebooks and manuals I use to acheive online success, and I discuss these principles with you. Please note time break down: 1hr 15 min Phone Consulting time. 1 hr 45 minute business, traffic, and Mission Statement written plan. This step is incredibly important for the success of any business. It is not ?new age thinking? but rather timeless advice handed down from the most successful business men and women of our time.
4) Four Hours Consultation: This includes the above 3 hours of consutling. Included is the creation a professionally written sales letter up to 700 words. This letter you can use as well for your websites main page. Please note time break down: 1hr 30 minutes Phone Consulting time. 2hrs 30 minutes business, traffic, and Mission Statement written plan, sales letter creation.
5) Five Hours Consultation: This includes the above 4 hours of consulting time plus the creation of a business blog. You cannot have a serious online business if you are not at least blogging about it! Also included is a newsletter set up with the form installed on your blog and free pro autoresponder account with 5 professionally written autoresponder messages for your new newletter. Don?t fool yourself that you can run a business without an autoreponder, newsletter, and blog! You will be given several blog templates to choose from. All templates are specalized for Internet Business and heavily monetized. Please note time break down: 1hr 45 minute phone consulting time. 3 hrs 14 minutes business, traffic, and Mission Statement written plan, sales letter creation. blog design, newsletter creation, and 5 professionally written autoresponder messages.
6) Six Hours Consultation: This includes the above 5 hours of consulting time plus the creation of your website/and or script installation ? one website, (does not include any script or software you may need to purchase), plus header, footer, and background graphics and animated promotional banners for your business. (468?60, 125?125. 250?250, 600?300, 728?90 banners). Please note time break down: 2 hrs phone consulting. 4 hours business, traffic, and Mission Statement written plan, sales letter creation. blog design, newsletter creation, and 5 professionally written autoresponder messages, website creation/installation and graphics as described creation.
7) Seven Hours Consultation: This includes the above 6 hours plus additional hour for your social media set up. Facebook fan page, twitter, google plus+, and any specalized social media pertaining to your business. Please note time breakdown: 2 hrs 15 minutes phone consultiong. 4 hrs 45 minutes 4 hours business, traffic, and Mission Statement written plan, sales letter creation. blog design, newsletter creation, and 5 professionally written autoresponder messages, website creation/installation, graphics as described creation, and social media set up.
Additional Hours: Discounts are offered for purchases of multiple hours. These hours would be used for custom work on your websites, as well as any advice or questions you may have that go beyond the hours you have paid for. I can also be retained for businesses that need an ?on-site? Internet Marketing consultant. This is a general break down of time; but my goal is to provide you with the best possible service and information so some flexibility in your plan is anticipated.

*Team Ez Wealth members earn commission for each hour your referrals buy. Free earn 5%, Jv earn 10%

Log in NOW ? or join for free Team Ez Wealth and get your online business BOOMING with my consulting services.

-Terah Logan. Founder Team Ez Weatlh

Use promocode: imconsulting for 250 free TEW credits and 1 solo and 2 banners!

Source: http://teamezwealth.com/ezmoneyblog/2013/01/internet-marketing-consulting-services-plan-to-be-a-winner/

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