Thursday, July 19, 2012

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Neebula Announces First-Ever Business-Level Discovery ...

Neebula Systems, the only provider of business-level service modeling and automated full-stack discovery and dependency mapping solutions, today announced the integration of ServiceWatch, its service-centric IT management product, with HP Universal Configuration Management Database (uCMDB) software. Until now, the process of creating a service model, populating it to the configuration management database (CMDB), and keeping it updated, has been a costly, manual, error-prone, and lengthy process. As a result, IT organizations were challenged with determining the impact of an incident, problem, or change management-related activity on their end-user?s business service. With the enhanced visibility available through Neebula ServiceWatch, IT administrators can quickly and efficiently identify root cause and determine the impact of incident, problem, and change management activities, ensuring maximum service availability, reduced costs, and improved operational performance.

The Neebula ServiceWatch ? to ? HP uCMDB integration features a streamlined and automated population process during which configuration items (CIs), relationships, and dependencies are automatically mapped to services facilitating business-level health monitoring and root cause analysis.

?While customers immediately benefit from the dramatic cost reduction associated with building and populating the HP uCMDB,? said Yuval Cohen, CEO Neebula Systems. ?The real value has been the resulting clear visibility into dependencies between important end-user business services and the underlying specific infrastructure components from amongst the thousands of disparate configuration items normally deployed within the customer data center.?

Neebula ServiceWatch is a top-down Business-Level discovery and dependency mapping product which leverages patented technology to automate the entire service modeling process, requiring no manual intervention. Starting the discovery process with the entry point to the business service (e.g. URL, MQ request, etc.), Neebula ServiceWatch automatically discovers and maps all IT infrastructure components upon which the business service depends, eliminating the need for detailed knowledge of server, storage, network and application infrastructure. The statefulness of the HP uCMDB is maintained at all times via automatic updates whenever configuration changes occur.

?Neebula ServiceWatch, delivered via a simple cloud-based SaaS delivery model, was easy to implement and configure,? said Roman Nemet, President of Svetlo Consulting, an HP partner. ?Neebula?s addition of business service context to the HP uCMDB, allows IT users to deploy true business service modeling, enhancing visibility into potential issues associated with infrastructure changes and accelerating the resolution of problems. The increase in value of BSM and CMDB was immediate and distinguishable.?

To find out more about the Neebula ServiceWatch ? to ? HP uCMDB offering, please visit

Media Contact
Glenn Rossman, Baker Communications Group, LLC


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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Lady Antebellum speaks on Springsteen silencing

[unable to retrieve full-text content]LONDON (AP) ? The members of Lady Antebellum say they are disappointed that Bruce Springsteen was silenced at his Saturday night gig at London's Hyde Park.


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Investing In A Gold IRA : The Wise Directory

History demonstrates that investments in gold act as the hedge fund against economic uncertainty. Nevertheless, there are lots of US residents who would like to have physical possession of rare metals but they don?t have the funds to secure such. In case you?re one of these people, you need to know you can perform the 401k transfer to a self-directed gold IRA. The reason that you?ll need to conduct a 401k transfer is that your existing 401k program doesn?t allow physical rare metals to be included in its holdings. A gold Individual Retirement Account is the best way to have actual precious metals into your ownership.

Many individuals understand the value of silver and gold. But these people invest in these precious metals using ETFs which are underpinned by such metals. ETF stock values are just offshoot paper assets depending on the present value of these precious metals. Nonetheless, they do not offer actual possession of precious metals. If you buy silver and gold coins, you have real assets which have intrinsic value.

As an illustration, in case you made the 401k rollover into a gold IRA 40 years ago, and around that year you transferred ten thousand dollars of your money into the gold IRA; after all of the wars, terrorist threats, oil shocks, political turmoil, and dollar devaluation, the gold Individual Retirement Account these days could be worth roughly five hundred thirty thousand dollars.

The value of gold and rare metals should continue to rise long into the future because the federal regulations continue to devalue the US dollar. Moreover, developing countries demand more and more gold and silver for bank diversification and system growth. Acquiring gold as an investment is smart, silver investing is also wise. But it is a lot more important to physically possess precious metals, not merely stocks of funds that invest in precious metals. In order to safeguard your retirement and the future of your loved ones, look into doing a 401k transfer to gold IRA investing.

Having an Individual Retirement Account is essential if you?d like to have fun during your retirement. If you are residing in the United States, it will allow you to enjoy tax benefits for your savings. Even though Individual Retirement Account may be associated with alternative investments such as paper assets, possessing an actual gold investment remains to be a fairly smart move.

Investing in gold as the retirement plan is definitely a good move. And professional advice is essential in order to make the best out of it. For details, please visit: GoldIRAInvestings.Com



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Advantages Of Having A Business Video Production

Videos are no more purely a work of fiction, that is, they are no more limited to entertainment or something imaginary only. They are today increasingly getting associated with our daily life and activities, and showing their effect in many other fields as well. Fields such as education, advertisements and communications are some of the major fields which have gone a tremendous change due to them accommodating the use of video technology in their general business practices.
Businesses have also realized a video's potential in a very short span of time. In fact, most of the businesses today rely heavily on using a video for showing off their commercials. The reason behind this is that surfers today are more into watching and sharing videos than into reading texts, and businesses want to capitalize on this emerging trend. Business video production encompasses all the aspects of online video advertising. Businesses are using videos not only for advertising their products and services but to convey their messages as well.
dvantages of using a business video production:
Traffic: Certainly, a video gets more traffic to a website than texts or any other thing. Surfers click more on 'play' button of a video than on any other link on a website.
Attention grabbing: Videos are quick to grab the attention of young and old alike. Surfers today are too busy to spend their time reading a text; they are more comfortable watching a video of a short duration.
Brand image: Videos create a brand image into the minds of viewers. This helps in creating a functional relationship with them, thus leading to more sales.
Prolonged viewing: Videos give a wholesome, delightful experience to viewers. This makes them stay longer on your websites.
Complete package: Videos are a mix of entertainment and infotainment. They not only inform but entertain as well. An online video maker makes these videos with cartoon characters that make the flow of message convenient and visually pleasing. Viewers, thus, end up getting a movie like effect after having watched these videos.
Viral effect: Videos can easily be shared on networking sites such as YouTube and Facebook etc. Businesses are creating their online accounts on these websites solely for the purpose of sharing their videos. These sites have the potential to make a video do thousands and thousands rounds within a moment of their release.

About the Author:
Riya is a content writer of broadcast2world which is an online video maker company. On this article she writes some interesting information about business video production and custom video.


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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

?Mystery woman? stirs talk of change in N. Korea

KRT via Reuters TV

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un visits a pre-school as an unidentified woman stands near him in Pyongyang in this undated image aired that aired on state TV on Sunday.

By Eric Baculinao, NBC News Beijing Bureau Chief

BEIJING ? It was her third public appearance by the side of North Korea?s new leader Kim Jong Un. This time the ?mystery woman? was wearing a striking yellow polka-dot dress, with a chic Chanel-style white tweed jacket and matching ivory toe-open high heels, in state television footage of a recent visit by Kim to a preschool in Pyongyang.

Her appearance in public again ??she is thought to be the same woman who recently appeared with Kim at a Disney-inspired concert ? was a rare spectacle, stirring up speculation that changes are coming to the isolated nation.

The ?mystery woman,? coupled with the surprise announcement by the country?s official news media on Monday that North Korea?s veteran army chief was relieved of all his posts, apparently due to illness, also stoked suspicion. It was the first major purge under the seven-month-old regime of Kim Jong Un, who inherited leadership of the authoritarian regime after his father died last December.

The intriguing combination of fashion display and military purge is fueling debate among North Korea watchers in Beijing and Seoul on whether or not the moves signal a new policy direction from the Pyongyang regime. Some argue the 29-year-old new leader may be trying to remove old guards from his regime who could stand in the way of a reform program to revitalize the impoverished country.

A wife, a sister?
But back to the mystery woman: who is she??

There has been no official confirmation of the identity of the glamorous woman who appeared at Kim?s side at three recent public events. She first attracted global curiosity when she was shown watching a July 7 cultural performance with Kim that featured Minnie Mouse and other Disney characters, the theme song from ?Rocky 4?and groups of female singers dressed in mini-skirts, high-heeled shoes and off-the-shoulder tops.


In this photo released by the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) and distributed in Tokyo by the Korea News Service on July 9, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, center right, and a woman clap with others as they watch a performance by North Korea's new Moranbong band in Pyongyang, North Korea, Friday, July 6, 2012.

Other top officials who watched the show included Kim?s uncle Jan Song-Taek, widely seen as the power behind the throne. The concert itself, shown to the public by North Korean TV, tended to play up Kim?s reputation as avid fan of Western pop culture. He was reportedly fond of American basketball when he was studying in Switzerland during the 1990s, wore Nike sneakers and drove Harley Davidson motorcycles.

Some South Korean observers said that the woman could be Kim?s sister, Kim Yeo-Jong. But his sister later appeared on state TV during a mourning event for Kim Jong Il, their father, and she looked unmistakably slimmer and different from the ?mystery woman.?

Others pointed to a popular singer Hyon Song Wol, with hits like ?I Love Pyongyang? and ?Excellent Horse-like Lady.?

But more recent reports from Seoul say that she is Kim?s wife.? She is reported to be a 27-year-old graduate from Kim Il-Sung University. So far, however, there hasn?t been any official confirmation from North Korea on the woman?s identity.?

The buzz about the glamorous ?mystery woman? comes amid increasing reports, noted in South Korea and China?s blogosphere, of more entertainment and choices in the daily lives of the North Koreans.

Visitors to the isolated country report more women wearing fashionable outfits, young men using hair gels in the style of South Korean actors and private markets in Pyongyang operating more flexible hours.

Kim has lifted the ban on women wearing trousers in public which has proved extremely popular.?North Korean TV has also shown images of Kim visiting amusement parks and fast food restaurants that sell pizza, hamburgers and French fries, Western delights once banned in the country.

High-heel shoes rank second among the 10 most popular consumer items for North Korean women, according to an analysis by the Samsung Economic Research Institute. ?

Close eye from China
North Korea watchers in China are keeping a close eye on developments for any signs of real change in the ?Hermit Kingdom.?

The idea of ?opening up? the long reclusive country should be encouraged, according to a commentary in China?s state-run Global Times newspaper. ??

?Northeast Asia?s geopolitical development should encourage North Korea?s opening up instead of repeatedly creating tensions that will only intensify Pyongyang?s caution and vigilance,? argued Global Times commentator Shen Renping.

In one sign of economic change, there have been reports that 20,000 workers from North Korea will be sent to China to work in manufacturing sectors. According to Chinese analysts, Kim is set to declare a comprehensive economic reform program ?in August or September.??

Referring to the recent ouster of Kim?s former mentor and North Korean army chief Ri Yong Ho, a Chinese North Korea expert told AP Television that Kim was signaling ?North Korea is going to slowly change the policy of putting the military first? and to experiment with ?economic reform.?

The Chinese scholar Wang Junsheng called on the international community to ?wait for the next steps? and to give Kim ?time and a comfortable environment.?

However, another leading Chinese foreign policy scholar urged caution in drawing any conclusions about a North Korean reform program.

?I think North Korea has changed a lot already since Kim Jong Il died. But in terms of policy and diplomacy, I see little indication of change,? Professor Shi Yinhong, who teaches international relations at Beijing?s Renmin University, told NBC News.

Referring to North Korea?s nuclear and security policies, Shi Yinhong cautioned that ?it is too early tell? whether North Korea will change.?

?I see no substantial indication of opening up?Bringing some women along is very normal and doesn?t have much critical meaning,? he added.

Researcher Tianzhou Ye contributed to this report in Beijing.?


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U.S. report says HSBC handled Iran, drug money

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A "pervasively polluted" culture at HSBC Holdings Plc allowed the bank to act as financier to clients seeking to route shadowy funds from the world's most dangerous and secretive corners, including Mexico, Iran, the Cayman Islands, Saudi Arabia and Syria, according to a scathing U.S. Senate report issued on Monday.

While the big British bank's problems have been known for nearly a decade, the Senate probe detailed just how sweeping the problems have been, both at the bank and at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, a top U.S. bank regulator which the report said failed to properly monitor HSBC.

"The culture at HSBC was pervasively polluted for a long time," said Senator Carl Levin, chairman of the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, a Congressional watchdog panel.

The report comes at a troubling time for a banking industry reeling from a multi-country probe into the manipulation of global benchmark rates. Last month, rival British bank Barclays Plc agreed to pay a $453 million fine to settle a U.S.-British probe into the rigging of the benchmark interest rate known as the London interbank offered rate, or Libor.

The Senate probe provides a rare look at how HSBC responded when confronted with numerous cases of suspect money flows.

The report caps a year-long inquiry that included a review of 1.4 million documents and interviews with 75 HSBC officials and bank regulators. It will be the focus of a hearing on Tuesday at which HSBC and OCC officials are scheduled to testify.

The bank and the regulator are expected to face tough questions at the hearing about how the abuses were allowed to continue, even after the OCC took regulatory action against HSBC in 2010. A Reuters investigation found persistent lapses in the bank's anti-money laundering compliance since 2010.

In an emailed statement, HSBC said the Senate report had provided "important lessons for the whole industry in seeking to prevent illicit actors entering the global financial system".

The bank said it is spending more money on compliance and has become more coordinated in policing high-risk transactions.

The report also contained strong criticism of the OCC, saying the regulator failed to crack down on the bank despite multiple red flags, allowing money laundering issues "to accumulate into a massive problem".

Thomas Curry, who took over as comptroller less than four months ago, said in a statement on Monday that anti-money laundering compliance "is crucial to our nation's efforts to combat criminal activity and terrorism, and the OCC expects national banks and federal thrifts to have programs in place to effectively comply with these laws".

Curry said the Senate report had made a number of "thoughtful" recommendations, "which we fully embrace".


The failings and lax controls inside HSBC included an inability to properly monitor $15 billion in bulk cash transactions between mid-2006 and mid-2009, inadequate staffing and high turnover in the bank's compliance units, the report said.

HSBC ignored risks in doing business in countries such as Mexico, a country rife with drug trafficking, it said.

Between 2007 and 2008, HSBC's Mexican operations moved $7 billion into the bank's U.S. operations. According to the report, both Mexican and U.S. authorities warned HSBC that the amount of money could only have reached such a level if it was tied to illegal narcotics proceeds.

The Senate probe also examined banking HSBC did in Saudi Arabia with Al Rajhi Bank, which the report said has links to financing terrorism. Evidence of those links emerged after the Sept 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, the Senate report said, citing U.S. government reports, criminal and civil legal proceedings and media reports.

In 2004, Al Rajhi sued the Wall Street Journal, which had published an article about U.S. and Saudi authorities monitoring accounts. The article referenced Al Rajhi.

Al Rajhi said in response to a WSJ story that it "unequivocally condemns terrorism". Al Rajhi and the paper settled in 2004. The paper did not pay damages and stated that it "did not intend to imply an allegation that (Al Rajhi) supported terrorist activity, or had engaged in the financing of terrorism", the Senate report said.

In 2005, HSBC told its affiliates to no longer do business with the bank, the report said. Four months later, HSBC officials reversed course, allowing affiliates to decide whether to continue to do business with Al Rajhi.

A Middle Eastern unit of HSBC continued doing business with the bank, the report said. HSBC ultimately stopped helping the bank handle certain types of transactions, and HSBC compliance officials rebuffed other HSBC bankers seeking to maintain ties to the bank.

Then in late 2006, Al Rajhi threatened to yank all of its business with HSBC unless it regained access to using HSBC's bulk-cash transaction business, the Senate report said. HSBC agreed to continue to provide the bank bulk shipments of U.S. dollars until 2010 when HSBC exited entirely the bulk-cash business.

Officials at Al Rajhi could not immediately be reached for comment.


The focus of the Senate probe was HSBC's U.S. operations, which has its main office in New York. HSBC used the U.S. unit as a selling point to clients outside the United States, touting its ability to handle U.S. dollar transactions.

Among HSBC's problems, the report described the bank's compliance division as unable to battle the suspect money. High turnover of top compliance officials made it difficult for reform to take hold, the report said. Employees were "overwhelmed" by a mounting number of suspect transactions that needed review.

"We're strapped and getting behind in investigations," one bank official wrote in June 2008. By that time, HSBC was cutting costs to offset losses tied to subprime home loans and the brewing financial crisis. In 2010, one disgusted top compliance official threw up his hands and quit after less than a year on the job, according to the report.

Typical of the problems inside the bank were transactions tied to Mexico, a country the report said is "under siege from drug crime, violence and money laundering".

HSBC, according to the report, helped move money for a Mexican foreign-exchange dealer called Casa de Cambio Puebla that served as a hub for laundered proceeds, according to the report.

Between 2005 and 2007, there was a "growing flood" of U.S. dollars moving between the exchange house and HSBC, setting off red flags inside HSBC. Some bankers said the transfers were legal. One said the money came from Mexican landscapers working in the United States and routing money back home to their families.

HSBC ultimately closed the account in November 2007 after it received a seizure warrant from the Mexican attorney general seeking money tied to the exchange dealer, the Senate report said.


Some of the money that moved through HSBC was tied to Iran, the report said, which would violate U.S. prohibitions on transactions linked to it and other sanctioned countries.

To conceal the transactions, HSBC affiliates used a method called "stripping", where references to Iran are deleted from records. HSBC affiliates also characterized the transactions as transfers between banks without disclosing the tie to Iran in what the Senate report called a "cover payment".

HSBC "failed to take decisive action to confront these affiliates and put an end to the conduct," the report said.

Between 2001 and 2007, more than 28,000 transactions were identified by an outside auditor for HSBC that potentially could have run afoul of laws that prohibit transactions with sanctioned countries. Of those, 25,000 involved Iran. A smaller number required additional analysis to determine if violations of U.S. regulations had occurred, the report said.

At the heart of HSBC's failings was the fact that it served as a hub for smaller financial firms needing access to the global banking system, the report said.

In one example detailed in the Senate investigation, HSBC continued to do business with one client that admitted to U.S. law enforcement that it had failed to maintain an effective anti-money laundering system.

The client, Sigue Corp, was a money processor in California, the report said. In 2008, the company agreed to a so-called deferred prosecution with the U.S. Justice Department and other U.S. agencies where it admitted to allowing millions of dollars of suspect transactions between 2003 and 2005. Undercover U.S. officers, in a sting, even moved money through the company, explicitly telling Sigue agents they were moving illegal drug proceeds, the report said.

A day after the agreement was announced, David Bagley, the head of HSBC compliance, sent a handwritten note to another bank official, asking, "Obvious question--I assume they are not our customer." Bagley is scheduled to testify on Tuesday at the Senate hearing.

In fact, Sigue was an HSBC customer, and bank officials internally discussed whether to close the account. One compliance official recommended it should be shut down. In the end, the bank kept doing business with Sigue.

In 2009, the Justice Department said Sigue had satisfied the requirements of the agreement and a criminal case was dismissed.

(Editing by Alwyn Scott and Tim Dobbyn)


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Video: Fix For Mortgages: Condemn Them?

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Fisher's ATV World Sweeps The Competition At The 2012 Telly ...

Fisher?s ATV World is proud to announce that it has won a total of 11 Telly Awards in the 33rd Annual Telly Awards competition, which honors outstanding cable television programs and commercials.

Now in its 11th season, Fisher?s ATV World is an adventure/lifestyle television show covering all aspects of ATVs and Side-by-Sides. The program has won over 58 Telly Awards over the last eight years. This year?s awards include a Silver Telly in the ?Entertainment? category for a program titled ?Quigley 4X4 Vans Ride,? filmed at the Rock Run Recreation Area in Patton, PA. That episode also won awards for editing and videography cinematography. Fisher?s ATV World won ten additional Bronze Telly Awards as well.

Founded in 1978, the Telly Awards annually showcase the best work of the most respected production companies, advertising agencies, television stations and corporate video departments in the world. It is a widely known and highly respected national and international competition, and receives over 11,000 entries annually from all 50 states and many foreign countries.

The award-winning Fisher?s ATV World television program has been in production and airing nationally since 2002. It features host Brian Fisher, who attracts a large viewing audience with his ?Keepin? It Real? style and entertaining, information-packed segments. The program airs Mondays at 4:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. ET and Tuesdays at 1:00 a.m. on Outdoor Channel, reaching over 35 million homes.

For additional information on Brian Fisher and Fisher?s ATV World, visit the web site

Source: Fisher?s ATV World Press Release


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PFT: Church groups planning Tebow pilgrimages

Joe PhilbinAP

One of the first hopes for the Joe Philbin era with the Dolphins is that he can help an offense that had grown stale based on his experience in Green Bay.

But one of the first things his critics would mention is the fact he didn?t call plays there.

But his former co-workers lined up to tell Ben Volin of the Palm Beach Post that wouldn?t be a deterrent, and that Philbin?s offensive mind would make a huge difference in Miami this year.

Seahawks general manager John Schneider, who worked alongside Philbin and Mike McCarthy in Green Bay, called the description of the play-calling ?way overrated.?

?You?re talking about a guy who?s doing the majority of the prep throughout the week,? Schneider said. ?I think Mike would tell you that (Philbin) had a huge impact on what they were doing.?

McCarthy admitted he almost passed play-calling responsbilities off to Philbin at one point, but insisted his old right-hand man had plenty of input in an offense that was top 10 in points and yards each of his five seasons.

Philbin was the guy who would address the offense on Mondays, create the game plans on Tuesdays, so it could be installed through the week. Come Sunday, McCarthy was pushing buttons, but they had Philbin?s fingerprints all over them by that point.

McCarthy said 90 to 95 percent of his communication on game day was with Philbin.

?He and Mike talked about every play he would call,? Packers General Manager Ted Thompson said. ?It wasn?t like Mike was in a vacuum. They did it together.?

Philbin won?t call plays in Miami either, that will be offensive coordinator Mike Sherman, but McCarthy said Philbin?s skills as a communicator would make him an excellent head coach.

?Joe is extremely organized and detailed, and that will be evident from Day 1 when the Dolphins take the field,? McCarthy said. ?I think the character of the man speaks for itself, but I have always appreciated Joe?s ability to coach the whole room.?

That?s far more important than calling a play, and will determine (along with finding a quarterback he trusts) the degree of success he?ll find in Miami.


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Berbatov says Ferguson would sell him for five million pounds

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